University of Geneva – Master of Advanced Studies in European and International Governance – Academic year 2020-2021
We are pleased to send you enclosed the information about Master of Advanced Studies in European and International Governance of University of Geneva.
It is implemented in cooperation with the United Nations Office at Geneva and other Geneva based international Organizations, the European Union Delegation and permanent Missions in Geneva and Brussel. This Program aims to transfer knowledge about European and international governance, as well as to provide participants with the essential professional skills to become a leader in this specific field. The MEIG Program prepares participants for leading positions in international or national organizations (public and private sector) working on governance issues. It is designed for students and professionals who have obtained at least a Bachelor diploma and are either working in a University or scientific institution, a Ministry, non-governmental organization or a private company.
For further information, please write to
University of Geneva - MEIG Programme - Flyer academic year 2020-2021.pdf
MEIG Scholarship Form_5th edition 2020-2021.pdf
MEIG Application form_5th edition 2020-2021.pdf