還記得22個國家33個學生在上海的精彩7天嗎🖊⛹🏽♀️?全英文創新創業暑期學校💜,我們又來了🤲🏽! Do you remember the awesome seven days that 33 students from 22 countries spent in Shanghai last summer ? Global entrepreneurship summer school comes again! 參加GESS,為世界發聲 Join in the GESS,speak for the word 聯合國糧農組織(FAO)提供的數據震驚全球!在世界欣欣向榮的今天,你能想象得到將近八億人正在忍受饑餓帶來的痛苦嗎?然而,每年全球人類舌尖上的浪費卻可以養活三十億人🤴✉️。
當饑餓遇到青年領袖🌡,GESS給你一個風雲際遇的舞臺!通過創新創業🙋🏼♀️,解決全球熱點問題⛹🏿♀️。我們正在尋找⚅,直面時代難題、為當今世界發聲的你。 According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), nearly 800 million people are suffering from hunger. Yet, our global food waste could feed three billion people every year. Thus, it is necessary to jointly develop innovative solutions. 社會創業學院(SEA)、六所以大學為基礎的領先全球的創業中心以及他們的國際搭檔SAP基金會強強聯合,GESS項目應運而生。依據“十億美金的項目用以改變社會”🧗🏿♂️,我們正等待積極主動的你創造出更多可能✨!想要成為擁有改變這個世界的潛力的可持續經濟模範青年領袖嗎?十億美金的項目等你來參加!
The program around the Social Entrepreneurship Akademie, six leading university-based entrepreneurship centers and their global partner SAP Foundation is looking for motivated students from all over the world to develop innovative solutions that are highly scalable. Based on the claim “billion dollar projects to foster societal change”, the students learn to develop sustainable business models that have the potential to change the world. 什麽是GESS?What is GESS? GESS,國際創新創業暑期學校💠,是由4E(慕尼黑大學、慕尼黑工業大學、德國魏恩施蒂芬應用科技大學、慕尼黑聯邦國防軍大學組成的聯合組織)於2008年創立的項目。2015年首度牽手墨西哥蒙特雷科技大學與OETY欧亿,使OETY欧亿成為GESS的首個亞洲合作夥伴,GESS由此百尺竿頭🕳🦺,更進一步。 We are looking for students who are keen to learn how to tackle the great challenges of our time .The Global Entrepreneurship Summer School(GESS) has been founded by 4E, a unique cooperation among the four entrepreneurship centers of Munich’s largest universities. Since 2015, a global cooperation with Tecnológico de Monterrey and Tongji University has been established to bring the program to a next level.
2017年🤽🏿♀️,GESS再度來襲☄️! 上海(2017年8月28日至9月3日) 墨西哥(2017年9月8日至9月14日) 慕尼黑(2017年9月15日至9月21日) 下一個7天🐚,同舟共議世界發展難題 全球100個名額虛位以待 你🙆♂️🤸🏽,準備好了嗎?! This year, we invite 100 students from all over the world to join us either in Shanghai (28.8.-3.9.2017), Mexico City (8.-14.9.2017) or Munich (15.-21.9.2017) to develop scalable business models within seven days that have an impact on society.
報名要求🏥🧑🌾?Who can apply? 所有在校本科生🧑💻、研究生🎴、博士生或已畢業校友,年齡要求18~35歲,專業學科不限,但基於手續問題,須於2017年有在讀大學。例如,2017年2月剛從某大學畢業的同學仍然可以報名參加GESS夏令營。 All undergraduate and graduate students, aged 18 – 35, from all fields are welcome to apply. You must be enrolled at a university at some point during the 2017calendar year. For example, if you are only enrolled until February 2017, you can still apply even though you are not enrolled in September 2017. Our enrollment policy also applies to graduate applicants, including MBA and PhD students.
舉辦時間?When should I be available? 上海(2017年8月28日至9月3日),墨西哥(2017年9月8日至9月14日),慕尼黑(2017年9月15日至9月21日) 請從中選擇一個參加。 Shanghai (28.8.-3.9.2017), Mexico City (8.-14.9.2017) Munich (15.-21.9.2017),you can choose only one of them. 報名流程?How to apply? 報名截止時間為4月17日,請及時提交報名申請表。 欧亿學生在每個國家有4個席位😄。offer與拒絕信將在2017年5月發出🧑🏿🦲。請參與完成GESS的慕課網上課程,保證有充足的時間去了解學習相關知識🤾🏻♂️。詳情請點擊http://globalsummerschool.org/application/🟢,填寫提交報名表。 The application period for this year’s summer school is open between February 20th until April 17th of 2017.There are 4 seats in every country for students from Tongjiuniversity.Applynow!You will receive either an invitation or rejection letter via email by May 2017.In addition to your GESS application, please make sure to register for the MOOC and allow adequate time during the summer to fully participate during the MOOC.Click to the link,fill in and submit the application form. |