The Tohoku University Japanese Program 2016 (TUJP2016) is a program for undergraduate students who would like to learn Japanese language and explore traditional and cultural aspects of Japan. Please note that TUJP targets students who learn Japanese for the first time or have learned only for a short period. (For students seeking a course in advanced level, please contact our Faculty of Arts and Letters:
For information on the program, please see the attached leaflet or our website:
Application procedure: Please nominate students in order of priority, and send the list of students to via email (template attached).
Also, forward the link for the online application form below and JASSO scholarship information attached, to nominated students.
Nominated students have to fill in the online application form and upload all necessary documents no later than the deadline below. Please note that we only accept applications from nominated students.
Student quota: up to 3 students per institution in total for 2 terms (there might be a further screening in case of a large number of applications)
Online application form:
Deadline: Thursday, 31st March, 2016 (Japan Standard Time)
Scholarship: For students who have good academic records, there is an opportunity to receive a Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) scholarship
(JPY 80,000/about USD 695).
註: 申請者請在3月25日前填寫List of Nomination_Tohoku_TUJP2016並發至
3月28日前通知推薦順位, 3月31日前完成網申.