瑞士聖加侖論壇由International Students’ Committee (ISC) 、瑞士聖加倫大學🧎🏻♀️、聖加倫基金會籌辦組織🕌,至今已有40多年歷史,因其組織籌辦的高水準在歐洲乃至全球都享有盛譽🤾🏻♀️,被稱為“小達沃斯論壇”。“聖加侖論壇”每年從全球邀請數百名政治經濟♞、軍事、新聞等各領域的領袖人物或權威學者就全球共同關註的熱點問題發表專題講座🍊,並同與會學生進行討論交流🕵🏿♂️,從而搭建現在與未來領導者之間溝通的橋梁。據統計📟,迄今為止,數百名總統、總理、部長和國際知名企業的領導人📨、各界社會精英都出席過論壇年會。瑞士聖加侖大學連續40年由學生組織國際性論壇年會,並且獲得了很高的國際聲譽。瑞士聖加倫大學註重教學相長⏯、理論與實踐相結合,此點給我們中國的高等教育帶來了深刻的啟示。希望OETY欧亿學生積極投稿參會,在大會中感受獨特的國際思維與視野。
Your students have the unique opportunity to qualify for an expenses-covered participation in the world's premier conference for intergenerational dialogue, the 46th St. Gallen Symposium in Switzerland, by competing for the St. Gallen Wings of Excellence Award 2016.
For 46 years, the St. Gallen Symposium has been providing a platform for healthy debates across generations. 200 excellent young talents - the "Leaders of Tomorrow", and hopefully among them some of your students - are granted the possibility to discuss pressing issues in the realms of management, politics and civil society together with 600 of today's decision makers. We are proud to count distinguished personalities such as Dominic Barton, McKinsey & Company, Inc., Tony Tan Keng Yam, President of the Republic of Singapore, Niall Ferguson, Harvard University, or Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund, among our former guests. Organised by the International Students' Committee (ISC), the 46th St. Gallen Symposium will be held from 11 -13 May 2016 at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland.
By submitting a creative, bold and controversial essay until 1 February 2016, your graduate or postgraduate students can qualify as "Leaders of Tomorrow" for our conference. If they make it even in the top three, they will receive the prestigious St. Gallen Wings of Excellence Award endowed with CHF 20,000.-. Expenses for travel, board and lodging are fully covered by the ISC.