


來源🧜🏿🤵🏻: 日期:2009-04-30作者: 瀏覽量:

        2006年開始,德國洪堡基金會推出了一項面向中國申請者的聯邦德國總理獎學金項目🤸🏼🥌。該項總理獎學金的目的是培養各領域內中國未來的領導人才。現在洪堡基金會的第四屆聯邦總理獎學金的申請與選拔已經啟動,該獎學金主要面向本科以上學歷且年齡不超過35歲的申請者🧑🏽‍⚕️。2007年OETY欧亿人文學院和法政學院各有一名教師申請成功✍️。詳情登陸: http://www.humboldt-foundation.de/en/programme/stip_sonst/buka.htm
  校內申請請提交申請報告👈🏽,包括📶: 個人申請🧗🏻‍♀️、學院意見、個人簡歷。

Programme Information
German Chancellor Fellowships
for prospective leaders
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) awards up to ten German Chancellor Fellowships annually to young, prospective leaders from the USA, the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China with funds made available by the German Federal Foreign Office. The fellows must have shown outstanding potential for future leadership in their previous careers. The program is established under the patronage of the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany and addresses applicants from all professions and fields of study giving preference to the humanities, law, social and economic sciences.
The aim of the programme is to give young leaders from the countries mentioned above the opportunity to spend an extended period of time in Germany at an early stage in their careers. After returning to their careers in their home countries, they have the potential to become because of their intensive experiences in Germany intermediaries between their home countries and Germany as they assume important positions in the fields of economy, science, politics and society.
Applicants design individual projects tailored to their professional development and goals. Before submitting an application, they must establish contact with a prospective host (mentor), who agrees to supervise them professionally and/or academically during the stay in Germany.
Fellowship specifications:
The fellowship stipend ranges from EUR 2,150 to EUR 2,750 per month (in exceptional cases up to EUR 3,650 per month). This includes a mobility lump sum and a contribution towards health and liability insurance.
For fellows with little or no German language skills the stay in Germany begins with a mandatory three-month intensive language course from June through August. The fellowship is awarded for twelve months and commences in September with a four-week introductory seminar in Bonn and Berlin, followed by the individual project work starting in October.
During the spring, the fellows take part in a two-week study tour through Germany. Other events within the framework of the Fellowship include participation in the Humboldt Foundation's annual meeting, a reception by the Federal President, and the concluding seminar in Berlin with a reception at the Federal Chancellery.
Fellowship extensions of up to three months are possible.

Additional benefits:
-      an allowance for research costs to the host institution amounting to 500 EUR per month;
-      language fellowship for a one to three-months intensive language course in Germany before the fellowship commences (language skills can also be improved at the Humboldt Foundation’s expense after the fellowship has been awarded in the fellow’s home country). For fellows with little or no German language skills a three-month intensive language course in Germany from June through August is mandatory);
-      lump sum for the fellow’s return travel expenses if the costs are not borne by a third party;
-      family allowances for visits by family members lasting at least three months (up to 326 EUR per month for the marital partner and up to 204 EUR per month for each child);
-      extensive alumni sponsorship once a successful research stay has come to an end, especially for maintaining contact with collaborative partners in Germany during the alumni’s entire professional career.
Application requirements:
1.       Citizenship of the USA, the Russian Federation or the People’s Republic of China;
2.       Bachelor or comparable academic degree, completed less than twelve years prior to the start date of the fellowship (September 1st of the year following the application);
3.       A statement and a confirmation of support by the host/mentor in Germany, confirming that he or she is prepared to provide the fellow with support during his or her stay in Germany; details of the planned project must be discussed with the prospective host/mentor prior to application;
4.       Expert references (at least three no more than five) from individuals qualified to comment on the applicant's professional, personal, and academic eligibility.
Potential applicants who have spent more than six months outside their home country at the time of or shortly before application should check with the Humboldt Foundation (buka@avh.de) whether formal requirements have been met before submitting an application.
Academics who have already been sponsored by the Humboldt Foundation are not eligible to apply for the German Chancellor Fellowship Programme but should turn to the Foundation’s Alumni Programme for support for further research stays. Academics who have already received a German Chancellor Fellowship are not eligible to apply for other Research Fellowships from the Humboldt Foundation.
Application procedure:
Complete applications must reach the following address by the application deadline:
Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung
Selection Department
Jean-Paul-Str. 12, 53713 Bonn, Germany.
As an alternative to hard copies, it is also possible to email your complete application documents by the application deadline. In this case, only the signed original hard copy of the application form must be submitted via surface mail to arrive within three weeks. You do not need to send hard copies of any other application documents that you submitted electronically.
Please send applications by email to the address buka@avh.de.

It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that he or she has submitted all the necessary documents. The confidential letter of recommendation by the host/mentor may be sent directly to the Humboldt Foundation by the host/mentor. Upon receipt of your application documents, the Humboldt Foundation will forward a brief acknowledgement. Please note that only complete and duly submitted applications can be processed in a timely way. As a rule, we will not notify you of any missing documents. Late submissions or incomplete applications may be excluded from the selection procedure.
Please be sure to use only valid application documents, which can be downloaded at the programme’s website or obtained from the Foundation directly. The guidelines for completing the application that are attached to the application form indicate which documents are required for an application.
Upon review of the applications, an independent Selection Committee will select candidates for an interview with the Selection Committee. These interviews will take place at a Selection Committee meeting in the applicant's home country. Candidates will be notified about the Selection Committee's decision within days after the meeting. Further information on the selection procedure can be found in the FAQ on the Humboldt Foundation's website.
Additional information, as well as the application documents, are available on the Humboldt Foundation’s website (http://www.humboldt-foundation.de/buka).
Potential applicants for the German Chancellor Fellowship Programme for prospective leaders from the USA may also contact the office of the American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
American Friends of the                                    Tel: (202) 783-1907
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation                         Fax: (202) 783-1908
1012 14th Street NW, Suite 1015                               email: 
Washington, DC 20005                                     URL: 
(Please do not send any applications or recommendation letters to the office of the American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation).

 Appilication deadline: 30 June, 2009

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